The end of all things (but, you know, much less dramatic and world-savingly important)
Good morning, world.
Today is my last ever day of work at my company - here endeth my first real full-time job, for which I was recruited right out of university. At this point, it just feels weird that I'm gonna go to work today for the last time and then never come back. I'm kinda sad, as I usually am when something ends (particularly when I'm not the one doing the ending), and kinda panicky, since I'm sure I'll forget to do
something important before I go. Such is the nature of the worry attack. Egads, I have to give back my work laptop this afternoon, before the IT guys go home...
After that, though - I'm totally heading off tomorrow evening for a week at Disney! Huzzah! Hopefully that'll help clear my mind and provide some fun. The last time I was there my age was in the single digits...hope I find it just as magical now... Gonna go on the Pirates ride since I don't actual remember it from 20 years ago and try not to pass out from the heat. Yay! Hm, still need to get my packing sorted out...
I should stop using so many ellipsises. Ellipses? Yeah, ellipses. I should end my sentences/phrases/whatevers with a definitive full stop. Clearly need to work on that confidence thing and being more decisive. In terms of assertiveness, though, when it comes to driving during rush hour in Toronto, I SWEAR everyone else has gotten more aggressive and it isn't me becoming a less assertive driver. People, I have discovered, are nicer at 9am than they are at 8am. Well, 8:15. I'm usually running late. :)
Radio's been playing Michael Jackson songs since I woke up. Still not sure how I really feel about his death, but mostly I'm sad. RIP.
Labels: general, travel, work